Author: Walter Hunt, M.D.
Because it is an inherited disease, PKD can devastate families. This happened to Walter A. Hunt’s family. Hunt, author of “Kidney Disease: A Guide for Living,” recounts the heartbreak of PKD that resulted in the loss of his family, his career, and, ultimately his health. His is a story of survival and renewal that shows that anyone can conquer tragedies in life with knowledge, perseverance and determination. Keys to his recovery were taking responsibility for his life, taking control of important decisions and never keeping his eye off the prize, a kidney transplant.
The story starts before Hunt was born, recalling life’s hardships of his parents and grandparents and how they dealt with them, which provided him the core values he used in his journey through life. He had a normal childhood in a loving middle-class family until his mother died when he was 13 years old. This event turned his life upside down and led to the destruction of his family. Eventually, with a college and graduate education and a career in medical research, Hunt learned how to use his experience to help conquer his own disease that took most of his family. In addition, with a long history in music and the arts, he learned to appreciate the beauty in life that helped provide balance to the ugliness of disease. Now free of kidney disease, Hunt has created a new life as an author, world traveler and a contented man.
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